Thursday, August 18, 2016

Beach Daze

As Dad is fond of saying, "Salt water cures everything." Or was that chlorine? Or swimming? Anyway, we're finding the salve to life's stresses and foibles here, in Ocracoke.  The time is passing too quickly of course, and I was trying not to write that, because it absolutely goes without saying, but there it is, so there you go.  We're already starting to quote Mom and Dad H, "We really should come in the off season and stay two weeks."

This picture didn't make it into the group from the boat.  Our shipmates took it for us.  We're a pretty content crew.

Sarah's been talking about getting a dragonfly tattoo on her ankle, but she thought she'd try it out first before committing.  I think it needs a unicorn and a rainbow to make it complete.

Woo!  Beach!  Woo!

Woo!  Eduardo's!  Woo!  Emmett has been a real good sport.  He goes everywhere, does everything, and as long as he's fueled up and clean, he does it without complaint... like the Element.

This year's house has two nice porches and is tucked back behind another property so it's super quiet.  The rocking chairs leave a lot to be desired, but we make due, and the porch swings are great.

It's been really hot this trip and the dogs have a rough time of it anyway, so we've taken them out for sunset and sunrise.  I've walked them around the neighborhood a few times, too.  They don't seem to be missing the mid day beaching and are grateful and happy to be along.  For what it's worth, I love this picture.

Eva, Jonas, Sarah with Emmett, Keith.

Somehow, it took me a minute to realize that if they make UPF outfits for kids, they probably make them for adults, too.  Unfortunately, I couldn't find a matching onesie, but I love not having to smear sunscreen all over all the time.  Plus, mine has a hood that makes me look like Storm Shadow.  The 8 year old me would be stoked.

Last night, or a couple nights ago, we went out to watch the sun set and the moon rise.  This is a picture of the latter, obviously.

Venus and Mercury (above) were in the sky, along with Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.  I totally wish we'd brought the astronomical binoculars!  What were we thinking?  Oh well, it was still a pretty great adventure just to sit and look up.

Don't worry, everyone has been wearing sunscreen on their exposed parts.  With the exception of the top of Veneta's feet, we've had no sunburns!  Maybe a first.  We're all sporting SPF 60, wearing hats, some of us are in UPF clothes, and under the canopy... How times change.  

We've been getting some reading and relaxing in, also.

Yesterday we went to the Ocracoke Preservation Society and the Ocracoke Working Watermen's Association exhibit wear we learned about how the community came together to save the fish house.  That made our visit to the Ocracoke Seafood Company even cooler.  I wanted to grill some fish while we are here, and have been watching a lot of grilling shows to get ready.  It was cool to chat with the fish monger and she even gave us a couple tips about what and how to grill.  I have a pretty strict "No tertiary consumers" rule, but I broke it this time on the advice of the fish monger.  So in the end, we left with some shrimp, a pampano, and a mako shark steak!

The grilling went well enough that I think Alton Brown would have said, "Pretty good".  The steak was grilled very simple because I wanted to taste the fish rather than a marinade.  For those who haven't had it, it's pretty close to sword fish.

Sarah's still a bit timid when it comes to sea food, so I threw a couple pig dogs on the grill for her.  She sauteed some onion and summer squash that we brought with us and made a lovely coleslaw.  Veneta made shrimp that was just perfect.

If you look carefully, you can see a little piece of the shark on the left hand side, next to the slaw.

Wish you were here!

Dinner devoured.

Yesterday or today, I got up early (thanks Jonas) and decided that instead of trying to go back to sleep, which is usually fruitless, I'd take the dogs to watch the sun rise and the moon set.

Moon setting over the dunes.

Sun rising over the guard station.  Unfortunately, I can't look at this without thinking of Apocalypse Now.

Tonight we finally ate at the Flying Melon.  It was good and the atmosphere was fun.  We've really enjoyed cooking at home rather than going out, for the most part, and it made tonight feel like a treat.  Tomorrow I will have another snowball.  I've only had one so far this trip!  We're going to hit the coffee shop, then the little food truck, Graceful Bakery, and head to Hammock Hills Nature Trail before finally hitting the beach.  I will get a snowball when we come back for the heat of the day.  

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Capt. Duvall and the Windfall II

On Monday evening we all went out for a short cruise on a beautiful little schooner called Windfall II with a man who called himself Capt. Rob Temple.  I believe he was actually Robert Duvall in disguise.  Anyway, the cruise was quite pleasant and filled with conversation.  Capt. Temple is something of an authority on Blackbeard and shared some stories.  His first mate was his son, Emmet, who is a playwright and director who shared stories about his adventures as well.  We were accompanied by one other couple who had ridden their bikes from the mainland and around Ocracoke with their surfboards on bike racks like you might see in a Patagonia ad.  They were very pleasant.

First mate Emmet and Capt. Duvall! (Photo by Sarah)

Unfortunately, none of us thought to shoot a picture of the Windfall II.  Stay tuned, maybe we'll wander back by the dock at some point.  Anyway, we motored out of the harbor and quickly went under sail.  The silence that fell over the ship when the engine cut was incredible and wonderful.

The dude was appropriately attired in his blue and white strips, anchor logoed carrier, and anchor patterned hat.  He was so pleasant for the ride, even when he was awake ;-)

There were LOTS of pelicans.  They never get old.

There was lots to watch.  Emmett in the rigging, the fleets of pelicans, other sail boats, the moonrise, the sunset, and the ever evolving conversation.

Sorry this one is sideways.  I can't fix it, but I like it, so you'll just have to turn your device. Emmett watched the sails and the waves a lot.  He's very smart.

We returned to the harbour as the sun set on a quite moonlit night.

The kid looks much more alert than his papa.  That bodes ill.

Ocracoke Lighthouse.  On the list of sites to see today.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Return to Ocracoke!

As y'all know, we headed back to Ocracoke this weekend after a couple or few year hiatus.  Sarah vowed that, "There will be beach!"  She made it so.  And it is good.  -Bassman 20:16

The Dude was a real trooper in the car.  We stopped every couple or few hours for feeding, gassing, and bathroom.  I'd like to blame all the stops of the Chopper, but honestly, half of them were me and my small travel bladder.  The toys that Andy and Gayle got for his car seat really came in handy this trip... he spent a lot of time just quietly staring at them.  We're certain that;s an indication of his extreme intelligence.

Eva and Jonas are along again; it feels a little like having the band back together to all be headed south on 12.

Honestly, how are we gonna make America great again when we can't even get our bumper stickers on straight?

Ocracoke Coffee Company!  Still here.  Still great.

Ok guys, enough goofing around.  When do we go to the beach?

 Prepping the beach wagon!

Setting up camp.

Emmett seemed to love the warm breeze and sound of the waves.... (I'm mostly basing that off of the limited amount of screaming and crying rather than anything he said explicitly.)

The usual crowd.

The bird watching has already been good.  I have been running each morning and come upon many birds that way.  I even ran a couple miles down the south point, where, to my knowledge, I have never been.  Saw green herons, ibis, egrets, and pelicans down that way.  There was a beautiful pine warbler (my first ever sighting!) at the nature center near Manteo.

Yup.  This'll work.

Welcome to the family, Emmett.


We're really happy with our camera choice.  This shot was taken from 20 feet away!  I didn't even have to get out of my beach chair :-)

More to come.  We went on a schooner trip last night!  Headed to the Historic Center today and the beach, and maybe a nature walk if time permits... then back to the beach.