Sunday, December 13, 2015

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

A couple walks and some other stuff I'm thankful for.

This past weekend was lovely.  Actually, the weather has been pretty amazing for as long as I can remember, now.  We took advantage of the sunshine and brisk air to go for some walks.  Zhora came over, too and did some crafts and helped out around the house with whatever was going on.  She's a good egg.  She and I walked the dogs, as well, but I didn't get any pictures because she really keeps me moving.  We had to tag all the mailboxes, throw the biggest rocks and try to outrun Eva.

The swamp is low on water, but high on beauty.  Eva was excited to have some weeds to push through.

I still love taking these washed out, over exposed photos.

We went out to Pat's Sunday morning to cut some trees, visit with Pat, and see the boys.  I set my axe down in the woods again and couldn't find it again... for the last time!  We stopped at Agway on the way home and I picked up some spray paint.

No more searching for axes.  We had a nice time in spite of it being opening weekend for deer.

We've also been having a little snow.  Nothing major, but we've run the stove 24 hrs for the last few days.  I just got my boots back from the cobbler and am looking forward to getting the skis down.

Jonas was happy to take a snow bath on Monday while I studied for my test.  He'll go all out to brighten my day.

So I took a break after 4 hours of studying school law and we went for a little hike.  Here are a couple more over exposed pictures of the back yard.

We went to see Supaman at the Greater Ithaca Activity Center.  It was crazy.  It was a small space with only about 50-100 people.  He told a lot of really corny jokes, which was unexpected and funny.  He was all about audience participation.  Here he is having audience members make sounds while he samples and loops them.  He also had us pull stuff out of our pockets and he walked around and free styled and riffed off of whatever he saw.  It was silly and really impressive.  We were totally excited to here him perform Prayer Loop, and he sang Why, too.  His cousin and DJ sang a little also.  It was really a great time.  If you need a reminder of how awesome he is, here are a few links:

He didn't say much about Thanksgiving, but reminded us that there is a real story of thanksgiving and admonished the audience to treat the land as sacred since it belongs to another group of people.  Mostly, we were reminded to take care of one another, that we are all one people, and to be thankful.  It was one of the more uplifting hip hop events I've been to.

This is Eva's little toy nest.  She was trying to lay on all of them at the same time, even though nobody else in the house shows any interest in them.  So cute.

Saying goodbye to a good friend

We said a very sad goodbye to our Indy.  She came into our lives unwanted and unloved and we worked hard for the last decade to make her every moment the opposite.

Of course, she gave us back more than we could have ever asked for.  We'll always miss her and keep her in our hearts.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Epic Fall Post

As usual, there's a lot going on here, but we just call it life, so until I look back at the pictures, I can't figure out why I'm so tired at bedtime.  It's been awhile since we posted at all and even longer since I've written anything, so I'll try to add some stories to this one.  Some of this might have to be made up as I honestly can't remember it.

These were the first two carrots we pulled up this harvest.  I thought it was really cool that they had intertwined and assumed it was because of the love that Sarah and I shared and sowed in the garden.  Of course, that doesn't explain the  bubonic plague that swept away our tomatoes, or the pestilence that befell our brussell sprouts, but still, it was cute.

School started back up on September 8.  This year I am an administrator at the High School.  Here is a picture of me dressed up as best I can as an adult.  It feels really really weird to be the Dean of Students... I seriously don't feel old enough to be a teacher, let alone a Dean... Whatever...

There was a weekend that we were supposed to go to PA to see Boo, but my end of it got screwed up by my new gig.  Luckily, Sarah got to go still.  And I received photos of them having fun while I was at work, which is always cool.

They really did have a great time, and I'm always so happy to see Sarah relaxed and smiling.  Next summer, beach!

This is from a fire at Jenn's house.  I don't remember what we were there for, maybe just a visit.  At any rate, raising the flaming christmas tree over my head seemed like a great idea at the time... and it was.  I felt like a viking god.

Mom and Dad came up for a visit what seems a lifetime ago already.  We made our own version of the haj to Ithaca Beer Company and had a great meal outside.  The weather was really pleasant as I remember, and I know the conversation and company was fantastic.

Once out of the big city, dad could unload his big bore Red Ryder.  The world is still safe from the can-zombie apocalypse.

Struggling to put this stuff together, I just asked Sarah, "Wait, I remember these green beans... Were my parents up for my birthday?"  She looked at me the way I remember looking at Eva when she once again ran out into the cacti fields.  Sympathetic, but also a little annoyed.  So, anyway, now I remember that we had a really nice campfire that weekend, too.   The guest list included Livia and Darren, Yao, Zach and Kristen, Erik and Margaret, Bob and Jenn, Mom and Dad, and an incredible assortment of small people, too.  Sarah did a great job pulling things together and making everyone feel welcome and at home.  We didn't set up any obstacles this time, but the kids seemed to have a good time anyway.  Memorably, Yao roasted a marshmallow on the end of a hot dog.

 That weekend was also Homecoming and Sarah had to "work".  Fortunately, her partner that day was Minnie and it rained and she got to come home early... so, all in all, not the worst work day ever, in spite of being on a Saturday.

After she dried off, we headed back into the rain for an evening release party for the Nat Geo Wild premier of Vet School, a reality show about surviving vet school that was shot at Cornell last year.  Sarah was a part of making the show run smoothly by scheduling and organizing and communicating with interested parties, so we were all eager to see the outcome.  If you haven't caught it yet, and can, it's worth a viewing.  We were impressed with what the students have to do, and it was definitely cool to see it in an audience of veterinarians and people who knew the clients and back stories.

At some point, this happened.

And then it was October 3 again!  Franktoberfest!  Erik and his dad (grumpy looking guy up front) and I set up the tent and put up railings along the hill and lots of other things to get ready.

Sarah was a cooking machine!  Knödl and spaetzle and an AMAZING beef and pork goulash.

Frank loves Sarah.  He does miss her red hair, though and never misses an opportunity to ask about it.  Here they may be exchanging recipes.  Sarah's secret was she used 50/50 beef and pork.  Frank's secret ingredient was the fresh squirrel.

So, I've made a couple fires in my life that I'm pretty proud of.  This is one of them.

We're plumb in the middle of my favorite season, now.  Nothing beats working in the yard during the day with a fire going to keep warm by.

Love this girl.

A couple weeks ago Veneta came up.  We thought that was a great reason to check out a new place we heard of called Atlas.  It's a bar and a restaurant and, oh yeah, a bowling alley.  Very cool little set up.  Only has about four or five lanes.  The bar is made of an old bowling lane, too.

 Strikes and gutters.
"Mark it zero."  Zhora and I had a good time trying to figure out how to add up the points.  It seems like maybe Sarah was the winner, but neither of would stake our savings on that.

Umm... this happened one morning.  That was fun.

Oh man!  I forgot about this.  Beth, who Sarah works with, brought us a couple beautiful salmon fillets that her husband caught.  Actually, he caught the fish, the fillets he cut for us.  Sarah found a recipe for a marinade and a side called sauteed corn and edamame.  We grilled the fillets... man was it a good dinner.  We have a lot of memorable dinners.

Seems like every year we do at least some of our farming in the snow.    I love that farm girl!

Saturday we went out to Pat's and checked in on the horses and went for a walk with Little Bit and Rocky.  Not sure where Rocky is in this pic.

Later that day we cooked up some of our carrots with honey and curry and honey to take to a dinner party at a friend's house.

I won't lie, this new cutting board is amazing.  Thanks Adam and Leanna.

Well friends, that's it.  That's all I've got for now.  Some of those stories coulda been longer, for sure, but I hope keepin 'em a little brief made it easier to get through and maybe it gives us something to talk about over christmas break.