Monday, September 1, 2014

Mom and dad come to visit

Mom and Dad came to visit last week, and we couldn't have planned a better way to wrap up our summer. 

Indy has found the bean tipis to her liking.  They offer shade, a spot to supervise, and of course, beans.  I lost many beans, most of my peas, and all of my grapes to this predator.

The visit coincided with the harvest time for the hops and Mom and Dad made chipper volunteers.  We took our hops to Erik and checked out his brewery and hops.  Later in the week we went to Hopshire Farm Brewery's CoHoperation Celebration when the brewing and growing community bring the hops they've grown to Hopshire to make a community IPA.  What that meant to us was some good beer, good friends, and really good pulled pork.

The field next to the house is beautiful, but also producing a dizzying array of allergens.  Poor Sarah and Eva were beside themselves.  Both have since recovered.

Mom and Dad and I hit some antique  malls mid week and saw lots of cool old stuff.

We also checked out the Plantations.  There was a bit of wind and rain throughout the week, but we managed to find plenty of sunshine, too.  The Plantations was amazing with lots of flowers and trees in peak season.

I love how Mom and Dad point things out to each other and always have an idea about where the plants might fit in their gardens.

The Plantations provide quite the home for honey bees.  It was good to see so many of them.