Monday, April 30, 2012

Another great dinner... and a rider

 Sarah made this gnocchi with fresh corn and arugula in cream sauce for dinner tonight.  This is what it looked like in the pot...
and in my bowl.  Oops, you blinked and it's gone.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Nothing special, just a good day

 I spend a lot of time worrying about bills and stressing about my job and thinking about what I want that I don't have.  Today our collection of boots reminded me of what we have.
 A simply great life together... or a great simple life together...
 surrounded by beauty in all four seasons...
 that we have improved for our friends, both wild...
 and domestic...
 and everything in between...
 Today involved a half hour where the most important thing in my life was getting this exact picture.
 And by the end of the day everyone was pleasantly tuckered out...
 and perfectly content.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Spring Break 15 miler

Jonas and I got another hike in in our lives together.  Finally got to hike out my front door and head down the FLT a little ways.  Just a couple miles in I snapped this shot of Jonas's wet paw prints on a bridge.

 The man in the river.  Happy to be out on a mission.

 Some beautiful ground covering.  I spent $20 on plants just like this last year trying to get it to create a little shade garden.  None of it took.

 An old homestead that we came across.  Many of these were deserted in the 30s when electricity came to Ithaca and people moved into the city due to losing their farms and the convenience of city living.

 The Shindagin Hollow lean-to.  Pretty classy camping spot.  We just stopped for a few minutes for a peanut butter and honey sandwich and some left over Easter Eggs that Mom and Dad brought up.

End of the trail... for us at least.  15 or 16 miles in a little over 6 hours.  Not too shabby for a couple of out of shape hikers.  Sarah was nice enough to come and pick us up so we didn't have to hike all the way back.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Cornell Vet School Staff v. Student Hockey Match (er game er whatever)

Pregame: Players (or whatever they're called in hockey) pre-medicate and loosen up their joints... mostly their jaws if we're being honest while the future audience ensures that it will be lively and probably not all that focused.

Popcorn. The only food available at the Chappie besides their fine line of oatmeal stouts

"Bring it!" What was immediately brought was a succession of cacophonous national anthems to rival the awards ceremony at the international special olympics (i'm just assuming there are no losers there and that all of the national anthems are played so nobody feels left out)

Steve displaying some of the fine skating prowess that he is not known for.

Fortunately there was fighting which gave the skatheletes (?) a break from hurting themselves by trying to move around on their skates on the slippery ice.

Keep in mind that these two are grown ups and professionals in their respective fields.

You know the match(?) has depreciated when the pirate has to regulate.

The dean and his wife put on a performance that, although odd and mildly uncomfortable, was also dangerously out of control.

More fighting broke out in the second half as players tired out and figured out that wrestling and punching each other was significantly less perilous than hocking(hockeying? I'm not sure about the present participial here).

Sarah and Doreen enjoying the meet(?). I'm pretty sure that's how Jim looks when he enjoys stuff, too.

This might be what icing looks like. I've never really figured out the rules for hockey because, well, let's be honest here, I don't care enough, but I do know that whatever is happening here is not legal.

Sarah declares victory for the staff, hiding her face to avoid student retribution.

There are several items that one doesn't see in every pro hockey pucker's(?) kit.

This was the first time in over an hour when all the vets, assorted staff, and students were still, and was without a doubt the most prudent moment of the evening.

Moments later...