Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Just like McCarthy, but with more smiling and less scalping.

First, fourth, and fifth images captured by Sarah. She's getting good... or maybe it's the subject matter.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Me and Mike

That's me in the center there. Filling the rest of the frame is Mike, the biggest horse I've ever personally stood next to. He's one of Cornell's new work horses, but I think he wanted to come home with me. You should see the size of his hooves... think dinner plates!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Painting and Hiking

Here're some newer pictures. We painted the living room and kitchen a couple weeks ago. Sarah picked out the colours and I did the cutting in. We make a pretty good team. I wouldn't be able to plan anything without her, she's really got the vision. We're planning on putting in a glass tile back splash in the kitchen... maybe over February break.

The rest of the pictures are from a hike we took in our woods. I still enjoy the fact that we can hike right out of our front door. And now, my friends, I am going to return to my book (The Crossing) for a little bit on this, the first snow day of the year.