Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fall in B-Dale

As you all know, chopping firewood is one of my favorite things to do. I find it very therapeutic to focus so hard on not burying an 8 lb. maul in my shin.

Sarah took this picture. I just think it's really cool. I like the way it's framed and it seems to capture the season really well. At least in my mind.

I always have help. Eva works hard to keep the wood chips from piling up.

This is from a walk that we took on Sunday morning at the Ornithology Lab. The lighting was only mediocre, but the walk was great.

Continuing to learn about the camera Mom and Dad donated to us. Messing with the F stop here.

Fall maple leaves.

The hills by the house
Male Downy on the feeder
His woman-friend

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010

October in the Southern Tier

Sarah perusing the produce at the farmer's market

Avoiding the paparazzi at the park.

Russell, seen here circumventing more ridiculous New York state laws

So... we went to get pumpkins and found a "Spook House" (that's what the sign said) with goats in the rafters.

At least the goats were cute, which is more than I can say about the Spook House... and most of the people at the Iron Kettle Farm. Still, the the pumpkins are cool. See them below.

Russ, looking manly and helping out around the homestead.

Bustin' wood into little pieces.

Something about this seems very ominous. Not sure if I took a good picture or if Sarah's really good at looking ominous.

Not our mother's pumpkin carving.

Russ at Pete's... makin' friends

Sarah at Pete's. The building used to be a livery stable for horses. It's been remodeled to resemble a bar.

Sarah spotted this girl hunting in front of the bank.

And here she is doing her best, "I'm going to fly into your car and rip off your faces" impression.

New thing: we're composting

And... it's almost full. Have to buy a second one when I get paid.

New multi-tool that G'pa and G'ma Rockwell got me for my birthday. Thanks. I already used it to pull a bee stinger out of my hand, fix my sun glasses, and tighten a loose screw on the table.

Thanks for the new tie and shoes, Mom and Dad. Note the deer skull is rocking a full Windsor knot, just like me. I had to watch a lot of YouTube to figure that knot out. I bought pants, a shirt, and have money left over. You guys are awesome!

Here's Sarah's Lite-Brite pumpkin surrounded by the freaky looking albino ones