Monday, December 7, 2009

New Hobby: Fun with home chemistry

Exhibit A: Nice clear workspace at the beginning of the night. We all know where this is headed

Haven't quite got it all set up yet. Looking forward to bolting the grinder to something. Eight pounds of barley grain becomes ample when you have to hold the grinder in hand

See Erik. See Erik's heat stick. See Erik smile when the wort boils before 3 a.m.

We still almost forgot to take the original gravity reading before pitching the yeast! It's criminal! How could we be so forgetful?

I present exhibit B: Table top at the end of the night

New Hobby:

Yeah, it's not quite as nice as Great Lakes Brewery yet, but most nights we serve pizza if you want to swing by. The beer selection is usually limited in style, but we make up for it in 5 gallon carboys!

The "wonderwand", horrifying and dangerous.

Milking the mash tun. Ahh, sweet ambrosia

The new batch. Brookton-Ale Pale Ale

Friday, October 30, 2009


Mr. Harrington and Mrs. Myers (I hate Halloween)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Fall Fun with Atlatls

Veneta notching the dart

Sarah: Deadly atlatl assassin

Sarah's a pumpkin killa'
Align Center
Veneta launching a dart into orbit!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Mason Jennings for Ian

Sarah says, "I heard a new song today that for sure would have gotten played at the climbing gym. It's got an awesome guitar riff." So this is her find. We thought of you, Ian.

Late Summer 09

Montezuma Wildlife Sanctuary

Sarah and Gary at the Cornell showing of Philosopher Kings

Layton's new beach house

Bluegrass Night at Sixmile Creak Winery

Miscellaneous Photos from the end of Summer

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Birds I've Seen in One Week! (not my pictures though)

Caspian Tern
Sterna caspia

Common Merganser
Mergus merganser

Double Breasted Cormorants
Palacrocorax auritus

Bald Eagle
Haliaeetus leucocephalus

American Kestrel
Falco sparverius

Friday, August 7, 2009

Thursday, August 6, 2009

August 5 and 6

Amazing picture by Sarah Bassman

A great find and another great picture by Sarah

Keith and Dad picture by Sarah

Ian on the Ferry, by Sarah

Rainbow from the Ferry, by Sarah

August 5

Searching for Surf

Jonas Lifeguarding